How To Cure Candida Naturally - New Secrets To Heal Candidiasis
A big enemy of yeast is garlic and it could help kill your infection ( home cure for yeast infection ). It works best when the infection is in its early stages with only a subtle itchiness. The first step is to remove the white paper skin from one clove of garlic. Put the clove inside your vagina before going to sleep. When you wake up in the morning remove the clove and throw it away. The garlic may cause your vagina to discharge a watery material. One night’s treatment may be enough to kill the infection or you may need to repeat it the next night. If the infection has advanced do the same treatment but make a small cut in the garlic clove before inserting it into your vagina. Cutting into the garlic exposes the insides and increases the dose. This way you could control the amount of garlic that you are using to treat different stages of candida infection.
Learn how potassium sorbate relieves symptoms and gets rid of yeast infections
Potassium sorbate in iself is used to inhibit molds and yeasts in many foods. You would find it at natural food stores or places that sell home-brewing supplies. This is a potassium salt made of sorbic acid that works by starving candida fungi. First make a solution by adding about 1 tablespoon of potassium sorbate to a cup of water. Using a tampon that is still in its plastic applicator dip it into the solution. Place the tampon in the vagina before you go to bed and then take it out when you wake up. It is best used for a few days up to a week or until all the symptoms abate. If you only have tampons without applicators just insert the tampon and then use a plastic syringe to insert the solution and thereby dousing the tampon. This treatment would be used while pregnant and will not cause damage to your baby. While using this treatment be sure to continue practicing good hygiene routines so as to not worsen this condition.
Yeast infections will no longer be a problem once you start using yogurt
The use of plain yogurt has shown to be a great natural way to treat yeast infections ( ). The good bacteria in plain yogurt are known as Acidophillus and Lactobacilli. By correcting bacterial imbalances and fighting fungi these bacteria will help heal yeast infections. You could use yogurt both externally and internally to treat yeast infections. In order to avoid feeding the candida ensure that the yogurt you use is plain and unsweetened. For internal usage just consume more pro-biotic yogurt to fight candida infection. If you are lactose intolerant Acidophillus can also be taken as a food supplement and is just as effective. By applying plain yogurt around and inside your vagina you can use it as a topical medicine. For a longer exposure dip a tampon in yogurt and place it inside your vagina. Be sure to take the tampon out after 8 hours as prolonged exposure would do damage.
Use antifungal cream remedies to treat and treat your candida infection
Your doctor may prescribe an antifungal vaginal cream to treat your yeast infection ( how to cure candida naturally ). Antifungal creams are great for immediately relieving any discomfort you experience. Often they will also contain a type of steroid to ease redness and soreness of the opening of the vagina. You should be able to find these antifungal treatments through your doctor or over-the-counter in any pharmacy. Since the creams would tend to leak out of the vagina they are often used only at night. Most of the creams are designed to be inserted directly into the vagina. Antifungal vaginal creams will come with an applicator that will help you use the proper amount. The antifungal cream is for the yeast infection inside and there may be another topical cream included for use around the vagina to relieve itching and burning. Using the antifungal cream regimen will usually result in being cured from your thrush in a few days. If you do use a cream don’t depend on a condom or diaphragm for birth control as the oil in these creams could weaken latex.