What Can Cure A Yeast Infection - Methods To Cure Thrush Easily
Use potassium sorbate treatments and eliminate yeast infections quickly
The general use of potassium sorbate is to inhibit molds and stop the growth of candida in food and beer ( how to get rid of a yeast infection at home ). You will find it at natural food stores or places that sell home-brewing supplies. It functions by damaging the overgrowth of yeast fungi and thereby killing them. To use make a 3% solution by adding 8 grams of potassium sorbate to a cup of water. Using a tampon that is still in its plastic applicator dip it into the solution. It is best used at night so insert the tampon at bedtime and then remove it in the morning. You could do this every evening until the symptoms subside. If you only have tampons without applicators just insert the tampon and then use a plastic syringe to insert the solution and thereby dousing the tampon. This treatment could be used while pregnant and will not cause damage to your baby. While using this treatment be sure to continue practicing good hygiene routines so as to not worsen this condition.
How to get rid of a candida infection by changing your diet
Your body will find certain foods hard to digest while you have a Candidiasis so it is best to avoid them ( how can i get rid of a yeast infection ). Sugar feeds candida and that so you should avoid eating foods with a lot of sugar. Do not eat dried fruit because they contain a lot more fructose than regular fruit. If you do choose to eat fruit choose ones that are low in sugar like apples or grapefruit. Alcohol is a type of sugar and is a direct food source for candida so don’t drink while experiencing an infection. Other drinks to stop drinking are soft drink and coffee as these also can exacerbate your condition. Green tea and water are your best bet for curing a Candidiasis rapidly. Do not drink just any water as some have chemicals like chlorine added to it which will only worsen your infection. In that case look for water that has been distilled or purified. If you cannot say no to sugar there are acceptable substitutes derived from plants such as vegetable glycerine.

Stop taking oral birth control in order to get rid of yeast infections
Hormones like estrogen that occurs artificially and naturally could affect yeast and prolong your candida infection. Causes of changes in estrogen levels include pregnancy and estrogen therapy but most commonly oral contraceptive use. The chances of developing and prolonging a yeast infection are increased with certain types of birth control pills. When women start taking oral contraceptives they usually start on something known as the Combined Pill. The Combined Pill contains the two hormones estrogen and progestin. The yeasty fungus of Candida albicans tends to flourish with this overload of hormones present in a woman’s body. Birth control pills also weaken the immune system making it harder for you to combat a yeast infection. Due to the negative side effects caused by high levels of hormones in traditional birth control pills many women look or alternative methods. Diaphragms and condoms do not contain any hormones and will not worsen your yeast infection. If you want to continue with the pill look for the mini-pill which only contains one type of hormone.
Be sure to visit your doctor if you start to expect that you have a yeast infection ( what can cure a yeast infection ). Be careful not to self-diagnose and start treatment at home if you are not sure you have a candida infection. One study has shown that only 11 percent of the women were able to accurately diagnose a yeast infection. If you are wrong you will end up wasting money on non-prescription treatment that could make you more itchy and irritated. A single-dose medication for candida infection is available that your doctor will prescribe called fluconazole. Fluconazole works by preventing more growth of the yeast and killing the candida fungus. After starting the treatment of fluconazole your candida infection should go away after a few days. The majority of candida infections will only require one dose of this prescription pill. You will be prescribed a second dose if your candida infections are recurring or if your symptoms are severe. The side effects of fluconazole are mild and infrequent but may include an upset stomach.